Trick to Hide your files & folders in IMAGE

This is a simple trick to hide your important files/folder in a picture file ,when any other person try to open this file ,he/she can only see the picture(but there is lot of files hide in that picture ).For the trick you need to install wirar in your computer,if you already have then goto the steps

1)First create a folder in any drive ,and rename it to anyname like "abc"

2)Move the files and folders that you want to hide in the picture to this folder(abc)

3)Select all the files and folders you want hide and right click-select add to achive,click ok

Now all these files and folders are compressed in a rar file ,a new rar file created
(you can type anyname, here it is abc.rar)

4)copy a good picture(jpg file) to this folder(This is the picture, in that you are going to hide your files)

5)Open cmd(click start-run-type cmd click ok)
goto the drive in command and then goto the folder using cd command

type the following command
copy /b pic.jpg + abc.rar pic.jpg
press enter
Here pic.jpg will be the name of the picture file
Then you can see 1 file copied

6)Now your files are hided in the picture pic.jpg.You can delete all other files and folders

7)Anyone double click in this picure it will open as a picture
if you want to see the files in that pic-right click openwith winrar

Enjoy. . .!